Making Time For Mom {Series} – Lauren’s Version


Making Time For MomI’ve struggled with what to write on this post.  I knew my turn in this series was coming up, but I wasn’t quite sure what to write about.  Francesca and I had talked about how we liked exercising, but this was definitely something she needed to talk about rather than me — have you seen her??  She looks awesome!  Plus reading about her runs on the beach makes me imagine a lovely California setting that seems so delightful.  The stories of exercise in my living room just can’t top that.

It’s funny how timing works, though, because just as I sit to write this I happen to be potty training. And I just can’t help but think of all the things I would want to do if I could.  So what is it I want to do?  Here are my top things.

  •  Going out alone.  Even Kroger by myself feels like a vacation right now.


I posted this on Instagram awhile back stating that it felt like I was breaking out being out by myself at night 🙂

  • Haircut.  It’s hard for me to make time for this, but I always feel better afterwards.
  • Target.  Need I say more?

And this is probably my biggest way I make time for myself ::

  • Getting up early + exercising.  If my parents are reading this they are probably shocked because of my long-standing history of being the opposite of a morning person.  I am not a morning person at all.  But the thing that helps most with that is actually waking up early and getting it going.  If I set my alarm and wake up before my son is up, exercise, eat breakfast, and shower — then I am ready for my day and more awake by the time I need to meet his needs.  It seems so weird to me to say that the best way I make time for myself is by getting up early (because I don’t like getting up early), but it makes my whole day so much better.


So how about you?  What do you do to make time for yourself?  Share with us in the comments below!

The whole series of Making Time for Mom can be found here:

1. Making Time for Mom — Francesca

2. Making Time for Mom — Jenny

3. Making Time for Mom — Janie

4. Making Time for Mom — Katie



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